About Us
Greenmount Christmas Tree Farm is a family business harboured in the Drumlin landscape of County Down near Lisburn. Planting and Harvesting trees since 1990, we have become Northern Ireland’s largest independent grower and retailer of Christmas Trees for the home user. We grow a large variety of trees including Norway Spruce, Nordman Fir and Fraser Fir.
We have a strong belief in developing and conserving our environment.
Here at Greenmount we recognise that a Christmas tree plantation can be a rich habitat for wildlife and so we manage it accordingly.
Woodland and meadow plants (wild flowers) are encouraged; these feed a myriad of bees and insects which in turn consume pests feeding on the trees- this negates the need to use pesticides harmful to the environment.
The end result is a healthy eco-sysytem where insects feed birds, bats and shrews, seeds from wild flowers feed voles and field mice, which in turn feed owls, hawks and kestrels. The trees themselves offer shelter to wildlife.
On our Christmas tree plantation, there are trees of different ages- this means only some of the trees are taken out each year, leaving the woodland intact with its flora and fauna. We do not ever clear fell.
As a tree grows, it removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and together with water from the soil it makes sugar and oxygen, which is then released into the atmosphere.
When you buy a real tree from Greenmount, you are contributing in a positive way to the well being of your local environment.
Here at Greenmount we are dedicated to providing our customers with the best quality trees and customer service. Come and visit us at our home and find the perfect tree for your Christmas.